DOING OUR PART for sustainable sourcing
At BuyIn, sustainability is at the forefront of our work. We weigh sustainability performance of our vendors in every offer and continually monitor green goals through scorecards developed with Deutsche Telekom and Orange. We measure emissions in partnership with the Science Based Target Initiatives to become net zero in the future, ensuring we track product-related carbon footprint, energy efficiency, and circularity. In our daily work, we offer energy efficient office spaces and home working plans that limit the effects of transportation for our employees around the world.
Responsible Sourcing
Beyond ensuring a responsible sourcing process, BuyIn walks the talk when it comes to sustainable and responsible behavior by monitoring suppliers’ ethical, social and environmental performance using the EcoVadis metholodogy.
As part of its activities in the Joint Audit Cooperation, BuyIn facilitates audits of its members’ suppliers to ensure adherence to socially and environmentally responsible behavior. These audits can reach as far as tier four suppliers, ensuring a responsible and compliant supply chain. The powerful global initiative counts 17 member operators throughout the globe including founding members Deutsche Telekom and Orange.
In our negotiations, we are also committed to reducing our alliance members’ environmental impact by limiting energy consumption, reducing waste and driving circular economy practices.
Mandatory Supplier Codes of Conduct
With an aim to enforce high social and environmental standards, all contracts negotiated by BuyIn for DT and Orange must include the respective mandatory Supplier Code of Conduct (SCoC) of DT and Orange. The purpose of the SCoCs of DT and Orange is to ensure legally binding commitments by suppliers to DT’s and Orange’s CSR rules and policies – across all contracts. Of course, the DT and Orange SCoC applies to sub-suppliers as well.
In order to meet the requirements of the Act on Corporate Due Diligence in Supply Chains (LkSG) Deutsche Telekom have updated their Supplier Code of Conduct. For further information including Sustainability trainings for suppliers please see the Deutsche Telekom webpage (Complaince and Sustainability | Deutsche Telekom).
Ethics Code of Conduct
BuyIn strongly believes that legally compliant and ethical conduct is vital to business success today. The BuyIn Ethics Code of Conduct (ECoC) is the framework for guiding the behavior of all BuyIn colleagues. We do not only encourage respect for the laws and regulations in force in all countries where BuyIn operates. We also oblige ourselves to commitments that are based on our core values.
Compliance: Antitrust and Anti-Corruption
The success of BuyIn’s procurement activities can only be ensured by efficient integration of our Compliance Management System into our business activities and the relevant procurement processes of all members of the Alliance. BuyIn has established Antitrust and Anti-Corruption Guidelines that outline specific rules to ensure compliance when doing business. We control the exchange of competitively sensitive information between our Alliance Members.
The company has been certified for both anti-corruption and antitrust based on the Auditing Standard IDW 980, with no material findings or recommendations. This is proof for all current and future Alliance Members that BuyIn has a state-of-the-art compliance management system, which effectively addresses the associated risks and prevents potential violations.
Diversity and Inclusion
As part of its ethical commitments, BuyIn is striving for professional equality through diversity and inclusion of our employees. The company fosters equal opportunities and acts for equal pay among its employees without discrimination. We employ professionals from over 30 nations around the world, fostering a valued knowledge base that crosses borders. Our workers’ councils in France and Germany ensure fair treatment for all, and dedicated training for newcomers helps employees understand the value of a professional, international mindset. Under the leadership of our CEO Béatrice Felder, and based on the set of indicators for 2022, BuyIn France gets a global rating of 83 out of 100 points on the French index of men-women equality.